
Auchan Agit / Manifesto

Agency: Serviceplan

This professional campaign titled 'Auchan Agit / Manifesto' was published in France in October, 2018. It was created for the brand: Auchan, by ad agency: Serviceplan. This Film medium campaign is related to the Retail Services industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 6 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Serviceplan, France
Media Agency: Havas Media
Joint Partners / Chief Creative Directors Serviceplan France: Dimitri Guerassimov, Fabien Teichner
Advertiser Directors: Fabienne Mainguy, Alexandre Personne
Account Directors: Stéphane Perrot, Lydie Bocquillon, Philippa Cave
Production Company: Wanda Production
Director: Michael Lawrence
TV Producer: Laurent Rebeillard
Sound Production: THE
Soundtrack: Bande originale des Combattants / Prologue par Hit+Run


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