In the manner of a tale, this animated film introduces us to the story of Simon, a young thirty-something whose life is punctuated by work. The sudden disappearance of his explorer father will take him to Mexico, on the trail of a suitcase with a mysterious content. But arrived on the spot, the suitcase has disappeared...
Thanks to the new connected and geolocalisable suitcase system launched by the French high-end luggage brand, the hero will be able to locate and follow the suitcase all over the world.
In contact with the spectacular landscapes of Vietnam, Mauritania, Nepal, thanks to some knowing encounters, we will follow the transformation of Simon. Traveling the world of emotions, the hero will do much better than discover the suitcase: he will find himself.
A sensitive adventure that reminds us that it is not the destination that matters, but the journey. And no matter what life contains, you just have to live it.
The animated film, 3’30 long and directed by Against All Odds, to which we owe the animated film Justino, has been broadcasted on the web on April 30th and on Air France flights in the summer.
This professional campaign titled 'What Matters is Inside' was published in France in May, 2018. It was created for the brand: Delsey, by ad agency: Buzzman. This Film medium campaign is related to the Personal Accessories industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 6 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Buzzman, Paris, France
President / Executive Creative Director: Georges Mohammed-Chérif
Vice-President: Thomas Granger
Managing Director: Julien Levilain
Creative Director / Artistic Director / Copywriter: Souen Le Van
Artistic Director: Carole Morlot
Head of Account: Xavier Devaux Landragin
Strategic Planner: Fanny Camus-Tournier
Head of Social Media: Julien Scaglione
Head of PR / Communication: Amélie Juillet
PR / Communication Manager: Paul Renaudineau
PR / Communication Assistants: Suzanne Langlais, Victoire Fouquet-Lapar
Rights Management: Dee Perryman
Head of TV Production: Vanessa Barbel
TV Production: Ayman Jaroudi
Production: Passion / Paris
Sound Production: Schmooze
Director: Against All Odds
Producer: Marc Bodin-Joyeux
Post Producer: Chorok Mouaddib
Artist (Sound): Mathieu Lamboley