The phrase "a woman must respect herself" to be a "woman of respect" has been heard by the majority of women throughout their lives in different contexts in Brazil. It is a sexist statement that determines which woman can be respected and which cannot. These and other prejudiced comments, despite being normalized in our society, are linked to gender inequality and the daily sexism faced by the female public.
Considering this, OAB-MG launched "Women of Rights." A campaign that took to the streets with a timeline spanning Brazilian history, highlighting achievements in terms of equity, respect, and rights, with the aim of reminding people that Brazil is progressing in this regard and that each new achievement needs to be celebrated. Each date was printed on posters and displayed in bus shelters throughout the city of Belo Horizonte, MG and projected onto a building at Praça 7, one of the busiest locations in the city, on Women's Day during the Women's March. When women's rights advance, society advances.
This professional campaign titled 'Women of Rights' was published in Brazil in March, 2023. It was created for the brand: OAB-MG, by ad agency: ORO Comunicação. This Digital and OOH Outdoor media campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 4 media assets. It was submitted over 1 year ago by tiagomatte: Tiago of ORO.
Advertising Agency: ORO Comunicação, Nova Lima, Brazil
Planner: Thays Kiryu
Creative Director: Tiago Matte
Art Director: Paulo Soares
Copywriter: Nathalia Galvani