This professional campaign titled 'Wanny, a Dream Come True' was published in Italy in June, 2019. It was created for the brand: Il Bisonte, by ad agency: Lab81. This Film medium campaign is related to the Retail Services industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 5 years ago.
Production Company: Lab81
Executive Producer: Attila&Co, Il Bisonte
Written and Directed by: Lab81
Art Director: Valentino Bedini
Character Design, Animation, Rendering and Compositing: Francesco Pierpaoli
Music and Sound FX: Matteo Schiaroli, Marco Raffaeli
Storyboard: Giuseppe Ianniello
Copywriting: I'mpossible Studio
Additional Credits: Diego Pacenti, Andrea Sopranzi, Maristella Ferraro, Samantha Giuliano