In Brazil, thousands of children and teenagers are victims of sexual abuse. To raise public awareness on the issue and increase the number of complaints, the True Affection campaign has been launched. And a symbol was chosen to demonstrate people´s engagement: A HUG. Several Brazilian artists have joined the campaign and given their hugs. But we needed an even bigger impact to get people´s attention. We decided to think big. To give this hug we chose the greatest monument of Brazil, one of the seven wonders of the modern world: Christ the Redeemer, at Rio de Janeiro. For two days, the statue´s lights were turned off. Using map projections we have created the illusion that Christ was closing its arms.
This professional campaign titled 'The World's Biggest Hug' was published in Brazil in August, 2010. It was created for the brand: Conselho Nacional Do Sesi, by ad agency: Monumenta. This Ambient medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 13 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Monumenta, Brazil
Creative Directors: Carlos Grillo, Raphael Pontual, Frank Engelbert
Art Directors: Cloves Menezes, Glauber Dorotheu
Copywriter: Paula Cunha
Planner: Fernando Torres
Account Manager: Martha Leticia Ferreira
Account Supervisor: Livia De França
Producers: Rosely Youssef, Daniela Hemesath