Poetry Becomes Electronic Sound

When poems comes to Sound.

Synthesized Poems

Blended Word and Sound


Para conmemorar el 118 aniversario luctuoso del destacado poeta mexicano Manuel José Othón, el artista sonoro Jairo Guerrero presenta un disco de música electrónica inspirado en sus poemas más representativos. La campaña visual fusiona libros antiguos de poesía con aparatos de música electrónica, creando una imagen que simboliza el encuentro entre el pasado literario y el lenguaje sonoro contemporáneo. Esta conexión busca rendir homenaje a la obra de Othón, rescatando su legado y mostrando cómo la poesía de antaño puede ser reinterpretada a través de nuevos medios, trascendiendo generaciones y acercando la literatura clásica al presente.
To commemorate the 118th anniversary of the passing of renowned Mexican poet Manuel José Othón, sound artist Jairo Guerrero releases an electronic music album inspired by his most iconic poems. The visual campaign blends ancient poetry books with electronic music devices, creating an image that symbolizes the fusion of past literature and modern sonic language. This connection aims to honor Othón's legacy, showing how his timeless poetry can be reinterpreted through contemporary mediums, bridging generations and bringing classical literature into the present.

This professional campaign titled 'The Sound of Verses' was published in Mexico in December, 2024. It was created for the brand: Days Without End Records, by ad agency: SoyJairoGuerrero / Creative Consulting. This Digital and Print media campaign is related to the Music industry and contains 4 media assets. It was submitted 2 months ago by Chief Executive Officer: Jairo Guerrero of SJG / SoyJairoGuerrero / Creative Consulting · México.


Advertising Agency: SJG Creative Consulting México
Production Company: SJG
Art Director: Jairo Guerrero
Copywriter: Jairo Guerrero
Photographer: Lexica.Art AI


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