Pizza Pizza

The Dip Roller

Agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo


Pizza Pizza, known for its delicious pizza and iconic dipping sauces, is excited to announce the launch of its latest invention: the Dip Roller. Modelled after an everyday paint roller and tray (only much smaller), the Dip Roller lets pizza lovers and dip die-hards apply an even coat of dip to every slice, getting the most out of their dipping sauce.

Pizza Pizza first introduced dipping sauces, including the beloved Creamy Garlic, to its menu over 20 years ago. As one of the first in the category to offer dipping sauces, they have grown to become a necessity in the industry. According to a recent survey, they found that more than 70% of Canadians say dip is an important factor when deciding where to order pizza from and over 60% dip their entire slice.

With Pizza Pizza’s belief that Everyone Deserves Pizza, this fun invention is helping Canadians enjoy their pizza in their favourite way no matter how they like to dip. Whether you’re a full-coater or crust-dunker, the ingenious (and adorable) little Dip Roller is a dip lover’s dream come true and works with any pizza – Pepperoni, Hawaiian, or even the Creamy Garlic Pizza. Plus, the Dip Roller is easy to wash and reuse on any other pizza, meaning you can even turn that leftover slice in the fridge into a work of delicious dippy art.

This professional campaign titled 'The Dip Roller' was published in Canada in March, 2023. It was created for the brand: Pizza Pizza, by ad agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Food industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 1 year ago.


Client: Pizza Pizza
Agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo
Creative Chairman: Zak Mroueh
Chief Creative Officer: Brian Murray
Creative Director/Art Director: Michael Siegers
Creative Director/Writer: Jonah Flynn
Art Director: Amaris Branco
Copywriter: Nicholas Kidd
Designer: Ana-Marija Vlahovic, Ben Ruby
Agency Producer: Teresa Bayley
Account Team: Alyssa Guttman, Alex Berube, Amy Nguyen
Planning Team: Heather Segal, Cameron Fleming
Clients: Adrian Fuoco, Amber Winters, Adam Williamson, Zoe Pagazani, Ivy Yu, Raymond Luk
Media Agency: Media Experts
Media Experts Team: Kareem Boulos, Faebri Michetti, Bartu Suer, Lily Lazzara, Justin Gagnon, Blake Goldring
PR Agency: spPR
Production House: Fuze Reps
Director: Jim Norton
DP: Zak Koski
EP/Line Producer: Tonya Norton
Food Stylist: Claire Stubbs
Post Production Company: Zulubot
Post Production Producer: Colleen Allen
Editor: Alain Elliot
Colourist: Can Yuksel
Online Artists: Can Yuksel
Audio Engineer: Noah Mroueh

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