Planets cure


Nowadays, we live in a planet caracterize by the climate chage. Acording to this, I decided to do a creative excercice, for WWF, that lowers people about the subject of saving water at their daily routine.
In portuguese there is a saying: " Grain by grain the hen fills her belly". This means that if we save resources, they live longer.
So, if the planet as a disses (climate change) and the cure is the summation of each drop, we must save every water resource in order to achive planet's cure.

This student campaign titled 'Planets cure' was published in Portugal in September, 2022. It was created for the brand: WWF, . This Ambient and Design media campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted almost 2 years ago by Catarina Fernandes.


Art Director: Catarina Fernandes
Copywriter: Catarina Fernandes


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