Why is it necessary to include the word “black” to find black people pictures on search results? This is what the NGO Desabafo Social is questioning in the experiment #SearchForEquality (#BuscaPorIgualdade, in Portuguese) addressed to the largest image banks in the world – Getty Images, Shutterstock, Depositphotos and iStock Photos.
The movement #SearchForEquality has engaged millions of people in Brazil in only a week making Google, Shutterstock and Depositphotos to discuss how to change their algorithms globally.
This professional campaign titled 'Let's talk about your search algorithm, Depositphotos, Le...' was published in Brazil in May, 2017. It was created for the brand: Desabafo Social, by ad agency: WE. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 4 media assets. It was submitted over 7 years ago.
Advertising Agency: We Agency, Brazil
Chief Creative Officer / Creative Director: Guy Costa
Creative Directors: Ricardo Sarno, Ana Castelo Branco, Luis Constantino
Art Directors: Douglas Reis, Cristiano Rodrigues
Copywriters: Vitor Medrado, Murilo Israel
Producer: Juliana Emeric
Editors: Ebson Clarindo, Amanda Campos