Faces of Fear

Agency: Publicis


LICRA and Publicis Conseil have created a campaign to reaffirm the commitment and vocation of the association, since its creation, in the fight against all types of racism and thus to assert the "R" of the International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (in French: Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme).
This campaign illustrates how racism has evolved. Because if less and less French people declare themselves as racists, acts unfortunately increase. A new form of racism qualified as "ordinary" and a generated hatred which today crystallizes around the fear of the other.
Because it is fear that often leads to racism. And in our society where continuous information and overexposure to messages have become a norm, this fear is frequently spread.
Often irrational, manipulative and intrusive, it takes on the face of current affairs, debates and theories to interfere in our subconscious and still too frequently lead us to racism.

This professional campaign titled 'Faces of Fear' was published in France in February, 2021. It was created for the brand: LICRA, by ad agency: Publicis. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 5 media assets. It was submitted over 3 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Publicis Conseil, Paris, France
President overseeing creativity: Marco Venturelli
VP Publicis Conseil: Alexandra Evan
Art Director: Clément Palouzier
Copywriter: Antoine Querolle
Strategic Planner: Didier Tavares
Executive Director: Gaëlle Morvan
Account Manager: Laurent Enet
Account Manager Assistant: Aurélie Guine
Process Manager: Claire Diot
Production: Prodigious
Director: Akim Laouar
DOP: Christophe Grelier
Producer: Thierry Delesalle
Productions Director: Romain Guilbert
Production Director: Charles Ramaré
Production Director: Luc Annest
Photographer: Philippe Gueguen
Art Buyer Director: Nathalie Maudet
Art Buyer: Nathalie Benchetrit
Retoucher: Sophie Cazade / La Souris
Studio: Les studios de la Montjoie
Studio Producer: Xavier Pleche
LED Screens: MursDeLeds
Robot: Neo Motion control
1st Director Assistant: Alexandra Kan
2nd Director Assistant: Antoine Gay
1st Machine Operator assistant: Fabienne Delaleau
Electrician Chief: Benoit Dupont
Casting Director: Mourad Framera
Studio: Prodigious
Studio Assistant: Arnaud Galabbe
Sound Engineer: Laurent Lavaud
Sound Design: James Vacherot
Sound Producer: Remy Dorne
Studio: Reepost
Edit: Jordan Amicelle
Calibration: Lydia Lopez
Flame: Adrien LEPINEAU, Eric Alcuvilla
Post Producer: Loundja Oussana
Composer: Max Zippel


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