Help Parkinson’s patients with their fine motor skills and let them handwrite your text messages on a card. Do the Write thing for Parkinson and for everyone you love.
This professional campaign titled 'The Write Thing for Parkinson' was published in Belgium in June, 2015. It was created for the brand: Vlaamse Parkinson Liga, by ad agency: BBDO. This Ambient medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted almost 9 years ago.
Advertising Agency: BBDO, Brussels, Belgium
Creative Directors: Jan Dejonghe, Sebastien De Valck, Arnaud Pitz
Art Director: Klaartje Galle
Copywriter: Régine Smetz
Patient / Creative: Maarten Renders
Account Director: Carl Van Den Hove
Strategic Planner: Tom Vingerhoets
Design: Eric Leurquin
Producers: Patricia Van De Kerckhove, Niki Michiels
TVC production: Caviar Brussels
Director: Joris Rabijns
DOP: Wim Vanswijgenhoven, Sander Vandenbroucke
Print production: Polyprint, Thérèse Deru, Sofie Verschaeren
Website production: Dreams&creations
Social Media team: Stefaan Ceunen, Ellen Pottoms, Laura Van Roey