Heineken 0.0


Agency: Publicis Groupe Italy


Heineken® is launching ‘TH3 G4M1NG FR1DG3’, a custom-made PC integrated with a Heineken® beer fridge thanks to an innovative cooling system. It is designed to cool down both the PC hardware and the bottles inside, so gamers can enjoy a cold Heineken® while playing their favorite game.

This is the latest installment of the ‘Not All Nights Out are Out’ campaign, launched in March this year, to highlight the importance of making the most of the moments of socialization within the gamer culture, focusing on the connection between players and the brand.

“TH3 G4M1NG FR1DG3 is yet another unique tool for us to communicate our ‘Not All Nights Out are Out’ campaign, which shows that gaming and socializing are connected”, says Igor de Castro, Senior Marketing Manager for the Heineken® 0.0 brand in Brazil. “We are very excited to bring this innovation to the public, players and consumers alike, connecting even more with the gamer community and giving them the chance to have a customized, themed PC and enjoy a cold Heineken® or Heineken® 0.0 with their favorite games”.

To bring this technology to life, Heineken® partnered with its ad hoc creative advertising agency, LePub Brazil. "Heineken® is able to provide moments of socialization wherever it is, and this is the brand's mission, in addition to breaking stereotypes. TH3 G4M1NG FR1DG3 is yet another action of this kind, bringing a conviviality to the gamer universe, both appreciating this moment and showing that the gamer universe is extremely social, that Heineken® 0,0 and games really go well together. Especially since you need to cool both beer and hardware and Heineken® really mastered the former”, explains Felipe Cury, Chief Creative Officer of LePub Brazil.

The device repurposes a Heineken® 0,0 fridge to allocate a fully working custom PC build within the space usually reserved for beer bottles. The setup allows the fridge to cool down both the hardware and the beer bottles, providing a controlledtemperature environment for both.

To solve the technical challenges of combining a PC build with a fridge, the team reached out to LeGarage, LePub’s Innovation and Gaming Hub. The team engineered a custom cooling system that would maintain a low temperature whilst the PC is working and combine it with forced air circulation to prevent condensation. The result was the perfect setup to enjoy a night of gaming with friends with a cool game and a cold beer.

“We wanted to click with a segment of gamers that few brands usually consider: PC gamers”, says Andrey Tyukavkin, Executive Creative Director of LeGarage and Lead Engineer of the project. “And within the PC gaming community, we wanted to appreciate a culture of “modders” - people who customize their builds, modify the design and architecture of the machine, and socialize by sharing their specs and unique looks with each other. Really amazing and weird things have come out of that trend, and we saw that several creators had been attempting to make a working beer fridge that could run a PC build. So we knew this was something gamers wanted and something that would resonate with the community and with the culture.”

TH3 G4M1NG FR1DG3, will imply several activations through the following months for fans to get their hands on the limited edition of TH3 G4M1NG FR1DG3. Heineken has partnered with Gaules, Brazil’s top Twitch streamer, to host a giveaway among his 4 million followers on his channel. The device will also make a special appearance on the Brazilian revamped Twitch show ‘Aprovado’, to celebrate Heineken’s 150th anniversary. To crown the campaign, Heineken 0,0 will be present at the award ceremony organized by the CBLoL 2023 – the biggest League of Legends competition in Brazil – in Autumn, as one of the main sponsors of the championship, to reward the winning team with a set of TH3 G4M1NG FR1DG3.

This professional campaign titled 'TH3 G4M1NG FR1DG3' was published in Italy in September, 2023. It was created for the brand: Heineken 0.0, by ad agency: Publicis Groupe Italy. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Alcoholic Drinks industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 1 year ago.


Mauricio Giamellaro Heineken® Brazil CEO
Cecilia Bottai Heineken® Brazil CMO
Eduardo Picarelli Heineken® Brazil Senior Brand Director
Igor de Castro Heineken® Brazil Sr Brand Manager
Marina Awada Heineken® Brazil Marketing Coordinator
Adriana Teixeira Heineken® Brazil Head of PR
Geisy Panisset Heineken® Brazil Data Specialist
Henrique Nunes Heineken® Brazil Games Specialist
Nabil Nasser Sr. Director Global Heineken® Brand
Agnieszka Gorecki Heineken® Global Communication Director
Guilherme Retz Heineken® Global Communication Manager
Bruno Bertelli Global CEO LePub, Global CCO Publicis Worldwide, CCO Publicis Groupe Italy
Cristiana Boccassini LePub Global Chief Creative Officer
Mihnea Gheorghiu LePub Global Chief Creative Officer
Felipe Cury LePub Brazil Chief Creative Officer
Andrey Tyukavkin LePub Global Executive Creative Director
Greg Kickow LePub Brazil Creative Director
Yan Prado LePub Brazil Creative Director
Alex Adati LePub Brazil Creative Director
Stefano Zanoni LePub Creative Director
Roberto Ardigò LePub Associate Creative Director
David Casares LePub Copywriter
Paula Picin LePub Brazil Art Director Brazil
Eduardo Cometti LePub Brazil Copywriter Brazil
Isabella Cecconi LePub Global Head of PR & Communication
Eleonora Botta LePub PR Manager
Ana Hernandez LePub Brazil General Manager
Jayme Neto LePub Brazil Business Director
Denise Frasseto LePub Brazil Project Director
Lucas Chagas LePub Brazil Account Manager
Suellen Agatha LePub Brazil Account Assistant
Ilaria Castiglioni LePub Group Account Director
Derek Muller LePub Global Account Director Coordination
Vittorio Cafiero LePub Head of Digital Production
Mauro Mazzei LePub Global Head of Creative Technology
Monica Radulescu LePub Global Strategy Director
James Moore LePub Global Strategy Director
Silvia Paes LePub Head of Strategy
Marilia Duran LePub Brazil Strategy Director
Fernanda Tiozo LePub Brazil Strategy Manager
Stephan Minucci LePub Brazil Strategy Analyst
Ilko Petkov LePub Global Data Strategist Director
Andrea Battista LePub Data Strategist Director
Francesca Zazzera LePub Global Chief Production Officer
Bruna Marchi LePub Brazil Producer
Beatriz Takahashi LePub Brazil Producer
Sabrina Sanfratello LePub Producer
Alessio Zazzera LePub Producer
Luca Lima LePub Brazil Executive Media Director
Leila Pereira LePub Brazil Media Director
Jussara Bezerra LePub Brazil Executive Media Manager
Gabriela Pereira LePub Brazil Executive Media Supervisor
Alice Di Giosio: Creative Designer
Valentina Trevisanello: Creative Lead
Simone Tecchia: Industrial Designer
Lorenzo Lastrucci: Industrial Designer
David Hartono: Team Lead
Giulia Niccolini: Producer
Davide Grigatti: Producer


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