Light & Free


Agency: Wunderman Thompson


Tasting colours, seeing sound and hearing smells. These are just 3 of up to 60 known forms of ‘synaesthesia’: a neurological phenomenon approximately 5 percent of the population is born with. And although synaesthesia is sometimes branded a ‘medical condition’ or an ‘aberration’, it is primarily a gift that inspires.
Most of us taste what they taste, hear what they hear and see what they see. To Pharrell Williams, Billie Eilish and Vincent Van Gogh, reality is or was somewhat different. They have (or had) synaesthesia: a difficult word describing a neurological phenomenon occurring in people whose cognitive pathways are different. As a result, one sensory perception involuntarily also stimulates sensory perception in a second of their five senses. Take Annie for instance...
Annie can taste sound. That is why Wunderman Thompson enlisted her help for a surprising social media campaign. Light & Free wanted to let Millenials choose between three new flavours. But how do you let your consumers choose between flavours they can’t sample? Annie was given the challenge to translate the three flavours into audio taste samples with the assistance of a composer and a musician. Based on these samples consumers can vote the tastiest sounding flavour straight onto the shop shelf.

This professional campaign titled 'Synesthesia' was published in Belgium in February, 2020. It was created for the brand: Light & Free, by ad agency: Wunderman Thompson. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Food industry and contains no media assets. It was submitted over 4 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Wunderman Thompson Antwerp, Belgium
Client contact: Nathalie Sowinski, Léa Rouyer, Tô-Anh Nguyen, Chloë Petit
Creative Director: Merel Van den Broeck
Creative team: Pim Smeets, Robbin de Waij
Account team: Emilie Demoor, Mieke Moortgat, Mart Beerten
Strategy: Mélanie Dalla-riva
Design director: Sébastien Greffe
Design: Kenny Smet, Inge Vanhees
3D motion designer: Matthias Berghmans
Copy: Tine Sinnaeve, Yves Donceel, Jérôme Van Den Broeck
Agency producer: Ingeborg Van Hoof, Amélie Van Campen
Music composer and audio production: Thomas Houthave
DOP: Pieter Neirynck
Sound: Yannik Bolsens
Editor and motion design: Andreas De Ridder
Sound post production: Menno Van Riet
UX/UI Design Director: Jeroen Michiels
Project Manager: Klaas Van Den Brande
Development Director: Arnout Devillé
Front-end developer: Jesse Debruyckere
Back-end developer: Adrian Covrig
UX/UI designer: Clara Mandujano


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