This professional campaign titled 'Polar bear, Tiger' was published in Canada in March, 2015. It was created for the brand: Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada, by ad agency: Ogilvy. This Print medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted over 9 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Ogilvy, Montréal, Canada
Creative: Martin Gosselin
Creative Directors: Gavin Drummond, Bernardo Andrada
Art Director: Bernardo Andrada
Copywriter: Gavin Drummond
Client services: Jean-Xavier Wilhemy
Media: David Tremblay, Danuta Mierzwinski, Melissa Alfano
Agency producers: Francine Stockli, Johanne Gougeon
Production house: Spy Films - Kegan Sant
Production house: Les enfants - Visant Le-Guennec
Director: Jonathan Bensimon
Post-production: Fly Studio
Sound: Studio Lamajeure
Photographer: Jorge Camarotti
Body painter: Nicole Dawn Dunbar


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