Know Where Your Diamonds Come From
Most consumers are unaware that up to 15% of diamonds in circulation potentially stem from conflict funding. Amnesty International wants consumers to be aware of the origins of their diamond purchases so they buy responsibly and stop the trade.
Using gatefolds and outdoor posters on corners of buildings, consumers will experience the journey of the diamonds from their points of sale to their devastating origins.
This student campaign titled 'Know Where Your Diamonds Come From' was published in United States in May, 2021. It was created for the brand: Amnesty International, by ad school: S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. This Experiential, OOH Outdoor, and Print media campaign is related to the Education, Fashion, and Public Interest industries and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted about 2 years ago by Lynn Seah.
Advertising Agency (School): The Newhouse School, Syracuse University
Art Director: Lynn Seah
Instructors: Rich Levy