This professional campaign titled 'Fuel the Art of Teasing' was published in India in June, 2023. It was created for the brand: Kamasutra, by ad agency: FCB Interface. This Digital and Integrated media campaign is related to the Retail Services industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 1 year ago.
Client: Godrej Consumer Products – KS Deos
Agency: FCB Interface
Production House: FuelContent
Creative Team: Rakesh Menon, Shishir Kapre, Noshir Patel, Sushant Dharwadkar, Rohan Madav
Account Management: Gaurav Dudeja, Karuna Nayak, Nancy Oberoi, Shashank Salian
Producer: Ganesh B Iyer
Director: Keyur Bipinchandra Shah