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POCARI SWEAT is an Ion supply drink that contains similar minerals to the fluid in our body which can quickly replenish the sweat that we lost from doing activities. In Thailand, the general conception was that POCARI SWEAT is a sports drink for sports people, but in fact people lose water from their body through daily activities, not just after a workout.
We then create a visual impact which gives a new impression for the brand and evokes attention through the details of the craft from the idea conception in order to clearly convey that “every drop of sweat lost from every activity can be replaced with the POCARI SWEAT bottle in your hand”.
Because pores exist all over our body, we go with a hand painting technique to create a millimeter-scaled illustration. We draw the details of each drop of sweat that form a shape of a human body showing no skin to emphasize the message that every drop of sweat is replaced by the product that we incorporate into the work. Our team have studied the realistic aspect of sweat from a macro image of sweat to render the most realistic image, shape, light and shadow, size or even movement of sweat from different angles. This artwork invites people to come and have a close-up look at the details while at the same time creates an impact to those looking at it from a distance.
This NSFW professional campaign titled 'Fast rehydration' was published in Thailand in October, 2021. It was created for the brand: Pocari Sweat, by ad agency: Dentsu. This OOH Outdoor medium campaign is related to the Soft Drinks industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted over 3 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Dentsu One, Bangkok, Thailand
Production House: Visionary