Every Moment Counts

School: School of Visual Arts


Most of us take time for granted, but for those with terminal cancer, time is an opportunity to make every moment count. BMW’s new Connected Drive technology is an integrated navigation system that directs drivers precisely to their destination as efficiently as possible. Therefore, BMW will collaborate with St Jude’s Hospital to provide patients with an opportunity to use their precious time most efficiently, doing the things they love.
This won Merit - 2017 One Show Young Ones.

This student campaign titled 'Every Moment Counts' was published in United States in February, 2017. It was created for the brand: BMW, by ad school: School of Visual Arts. This Experiential medium campaign is related to the Automotive industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 6 years ago.


Advertising School: School of Visual Arts, New York, USA
Creative Directors: Sung Kwon Ha, Mike Oh
Art Director / Copywriter: Yeon Sang Yoon, Jin Park


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