

Agency: Boost Brand Accelerator


Taking advantage of the growing Onlyfans community, we decided to open an account for Run Run, a little fox who was sold as a dog to a peruvian family and became the icon in the fight against illegal animal hunting. Run Run's Onlyfans went viral immediately and the platform helped us to exposed the problem in a massive way gaining awareness about animal trafficking and putting pressure in the congress in order to debate a law against illegal animal trafficking in Perú.

This professional campaign titled 'Animalfans' was published in Peru in November, 2021. It was created for the brand: Profonanpe, by ad agency: Boost Brand Accelerator. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 2 years ago by Creative Director: Luis Cabrera of Boost Brand Accelerator.


Advertising Agency: Boost Brand Accelerator, Lima, Peru
Ceo: Luciana Olivares
Cco: Roberto Delgado
Creative Director: Luis Cabrera
Creative Director: David Montes
Copywriter: Carla Padilla
Art Director: Anderson Yataco
Account Executive: Eda Seguin
Producer: Claudia Serrudo
Account Director: Laura Vallenas
Motion Graphics: Andre Ramirez


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