Citroën Martinique has launched a green campaign called "For a better world!",For each sold car, Citroën Martinique will fund a local association concerned by the environmental issue. In the most important shopping centres of the island, the agency has created car spaces especially for Citroën AirDream cars range, with low carbon emission and 95% recyclable. With Citroën Airdream, Martinique is becoming greener.
This professional campaign titled 'A greener Martinique!' was published in France in January, 2010. It was created for the brand: Citroën, by ad agency: C'Direct. This Ambient medium campaign is related to the Automotive industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 14 years ago.
Advertising Agency: C'Direct, Le Lamentin, Martinique, France
Creative Director: Hugues Lison
Art Director: Sophie Manzetti, Blandine Fedronic
Copywriter: Sabrina Rimbaud