
The network of Advertisers Without Borders launched a global campaign on environmental care at the hands of Daslav Maslov, Felix Padilla and Gabriel Gavilan Advertising Agency she walked through my window and active members of the international network. The title reflects, "What will the world do you do it to you." There are four pieces of communication that visually summarizes issues such as litter, killing whales, pollution, destruction of forests among many other issues of concern to humanity on the planet.

This professional campaign titled 'Whaling' was published in Brazil in June, 2011. It was created for the brand: Advertisers Without Borders, by ad agency: She Came Through My Window. This Print medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 13 years ago.


Advertising Agency: She Came Through My Window, Chile
Creative Director: Daslav Maslov
Editor: Felix (Peter Cobra) Padilla
Art Director: Daslav Maslov
Illustrator: Gabriel Gavilan

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