This professional campaign titled 'The Centaur' was published in France in May, 2013. It was created for the brand: Honda, by ad agency: DDB. This Film medium campaign is related to the Automotive industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 11 years ago.
Advertising Agency: DDB, France
Executive Creative Director: Alexandre Hervé
Creative Director: Alexander Kalchev
Copywriters: Alexander Kalchev, Alexis Benbehe, Pierre Mathonat
Art Directors: Alexis Benbehe, Pierre Mathonat
Account Supervisors: Mathieu Roux, Olivier Massanella
Advertiser's Supervisors: Richard Mathiau, Valerie Larousse
Production Company: Crac
Director: Alexander Kalchev
First ADs: Antoine Levi, Florent Michel
Producer: Pierre-Yves Bronsart
Music: Clement Tery
DOPs: Benjamin Roux, Romain Alary
Sound Production: THE