
The beauty of real

Every one is beautiful


Beauty is not determined by external factors like scars or physical appearance alone. True beauty lies within each person, encompassing their unique qualities, personality, kindness, and inner strength. It is the essence of who they are and how they carry themselves in the world.

Every individual is beautiful in their own way, and beauty should be celebrated in all its forms. Whether someone has scars, birthmarks, or any other physical feature, these characteristics are what make them special and distinguish them as a unique individual.

Beyond physical appearance, beauty is also reflected in acts of compassion, empathy, and love. It shines through in the way we treat others and the positive impact we have on the world around us. True beauty is found in the depth of our character and the authenticity with which we live our lives.

It is important to embrace and celebrate the diversity of beauty in the world, recognizing that each person's beauty is valid and deserving of respect. Let us appreciate and value the beauty that radiates from within, acknowledging that every individual has their own story and journey, making them uniquely beautiful in their own right.

This student campaign titled 'The beauty of real ' was published in Bangladesh in July, 2023. It was created for the brand: Nivea, . This Design, Digital, and Print media campaign is related to the Beauty industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted about 1 year ago by Al amin Rowny of Freelance.


Concept: al amin Rowny
Art Director: al amin Rowny
Copywriter: al amin Rowny


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