
Tabs - Emma, Tabs - Jaden, Tabs - Carlos

Agency: Y&R


On the Internet, there are millions of suspicious profiles. According to data 1 out of 6 profiles is fake. And behind those profiles hide abusers who seek to take advantage of the innocence of a child who does not know who is on the other side of the screen.

This professional campaign titled 'Tabs - Emma, Tabs - Jaden, Tabs - Carlos' was published in Chile in February, 2018. It was created for the brand: Movistar, by ad agency: Y&R. This Print medium campaign is related to the Electronics, Technology industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted about 6 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Prolam Y&R, Santiago, Chile
Executive Creative Directors: Álvaro Becker, Francisco Cavada
Creative Director: Andrés Echeverría
Head of Art: Emerson Navarrete
Art Directors: Jaime Cano, José Miguel Cartibarra, Francisco JavoCopywriters: Rafael Pabón, Sebastián Vega
Retoucher: Ricardo Moreira


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