Today, Vrbo unveiled “Only Your People,” the brand's latest series of films that showcase the benefits of staying in the private, whole homes available on Vrbo. Produced by Vrbo’s in-house creative team in collaboration with agency partner Wieden+Kennedy, the films show a series of beautiful vacation homes and emphasize how, as a Vrbo guest, you “always have the whole place to yourself.”
"Only Your People” highlights the fact that Vrbo only allows private, whole homes on its site and app, so there are no awkward vacation experiences stemming from sharing space with a stranger. Vrbo properties provide guests with all the space and privacy they need to spend time with only the people they’re vacationing with – and no one else.
This professional campaign titled 'Only Your People' was published in United States in July, 2022. It was created for the brand: Vrbo, by ad agency: Wieden+Kennedy. This Film medium campaign is related to the Hospitality, Tourism industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 2 years ago.