Telegram app offers a "mute" feature that allows users to temporarily silence notifications from specific chats, groups, or channels.
"Mute the notifications" is a unique feature in the Telegram app that empowers users to take control of their notifications and reduce unnecessary distractions. With this feature, you can selectively mute chats, groups, or channels that might be causing stress or overwhelming you with constant notifications. By muting these sources, you can enjoy a more peaceful and focused messaging experience.
The characters shown in the campaign were created in such a way that they would relate to the day to day life characters of a person. The expressions particularly made in such a way that it would create a sense of distress or a sense of annoying tunt in the minds of the consumers or target audience. Dealing with an annoying person can be challenging and stressful. "Mute the stress" for a healthy digital lifestyle, situations where you need uninterrupted focus, relaxation, or rest. Say goodbye to unnecessary interruptions and hello to a calmer, stress-free messaging experience!
This student campaign titled 'Mute The Stress' was published in India in July, 2023. It was created for the brand: Telegram, by ad school: VIVA Institute of Applied Art. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Media and Professional Services industries and contains 6 media assets. It was submitted about 1 year ago by Visualizer: Pratik Rodekar.
Advertising School: Viva Intitute of Applied Art
Creator: Pratik Rodekar
Guide By: Prof. Netra Bangera