Obesity in office workers is a big problem in Estonia. People don't move enough. We needed to shake society through unexpected examples. One of the campaign heroes was a swimmer, without hands and with only one whole leg, but far more active than the average Estonian.
This professional campaign titled 'More Active Than You - Matz' was published in Estonia in April, 2018. It was created for the brand: Eesti Haigekassa, by ad agency: Optimist Creative. This Film medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted almost 6 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Optimist Creative, Tallinn, Estonia
ACreative Director: Oliver Lomp
Project Manager: Kadri-Liis Nikopensius
Art Director: Bruno Palmik
Copywriter: Oliver Lomp
Director: Andres Maimik
Additional credits: Matz Topkin, Priit Aus, Mihkel Soe, Velle Hammer, Eliise Brigita Mõisamaa, Kärt Hammer, Anneli Arusaar, Villem Sooster