British Council

Meet your hero

Agency: M&C Saatchi


To Increase the awareness and also the number and quality of submissions for The British Council of Australia's "Realise Your Dream" scholarship programme. This is an annual competition that rewards six artistic young Australians with a trip to the UK and a mentorship with the creative guru of their choice.
We produced an integrated campaign based around the thought, 'Determined to meet your hero?' For young Australians simply getting to meet, let alone work with one of Britain's creative leaders (like Stella McCartney or Damien Hirst) is potentially a life changing opportunity and a prize our target would do anything to win. We dramatised this passion by showing the extreme, possibly psychotic lengths some people will go to, to meet their hero. And, in turn, highlight how you do much better entering the British Council's Realise Your Dream programme.
In 2007 The British Council campaign reached over 2,000 000 people across Australia. They received more submissions than ever. Over 20,204 unique visitors to the website became 875 officially registered entrants (up 12% on 2006). Perhaps more importantly, this year's entries were of a far higher quality than previous years. The 6 lucky winners ranging from a rap artist to an indigenous art curator are already living and working in Britain.

This professional campaign titled 'Meet your hero' was published in Australia in July, 2008. It was created for the brand: British Council, by ad agency: M&C Saatchi. This Ambient medium campaign is related to the Education industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 16 years ago.


Advertising Agency: M&C SAATCHI, Sydney, Australia
Executive Creative Director: Ben Welsh
Art Director: Michael Jones
Copywriters: Dave Shirlaw, Oliver Devaris
Agency Producer: Rod James
Designer: Michael Jones
Computer Artist: Rozanna Kulik
Interactive Director: Matt Cumming
Photographer: Adrian Cook, AD-Photography
Producer: Plaza Films
Director: Plaza Films


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