Recently, a conflict has been the centre of an extensive debate on account of the entrance of a group of people in Mexico, known as the ‘migrant van’. The ‘migrant van’ is a refugee group of people from Central America, mainly from Honduras, with the purpose of abandoning the violence and extreme poverty of their countries and reaching US land. Since it is a highly controversial and complex situation, Nike wanted to help.
This student campaign titled 'Lent Steps' was published in Mexico in January, 2019. It was created for the brand: Nike, by ad school: Miami Ad School. This Experiential medium campaign is related to the Fashion, Personal Accessories, and Retail Services industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 4 years ago by Art Director: CATARINA BARCALA GOSENDE of Miami Ad School.
Advertising School: Miami Ad School, Mexico City, Mexico
Art Director: Catarina Barcala
Copywriter: Pedro Espinosa