Here is to the We


Today’s conversation in society and in media rather emphasizes the differences and what divides us than focuses on the things we do share with one another. For the launch of its electric ridesharing service in Hamburg later this month, which is to become the largest throughout Europe, the young mobility company within Volkswagen Group, MOIA, takes a stand against this trend. MOIA does not only believe in the idea of sharing on a functional level by sharing rides, but on a greater, societal level as well.

This professional campaign titled 'Here is to the We' was published in Germany in April, 2019. It was created for the brand: MOIA, . This Film medium campaign is related to the Automotive industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 5 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Freelance Collective around Kyra Nenz, Berlin
Creative Director: Kyra Nenz
Copywriter: Kyra Nenz
Creative Producer: Jannik Endemann
Director: Thomas Bryant
DoP: Tim Lorentzén
Production: Tony Petersen Film
Producer: Lilian Tietjen
Post Production: Paul Schwabe
Sound: Loft Berlin
Editor: Benjamin Entrup
Colourist: Julien Alary
Music: Father

St. George's Un...


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