Uber Eats Visa

Grants for Growth

Agency: The Marketing Arm

Uber Eats and Visa’s small business BtoB services have released a series of celebratory films highlighting five of their “Grants for Growth” recipients


Undoubtedly, many viewers are familiar with the Uber Eats “Uber Don’t Eats” celebrity-rich campaign which debuted during the Super Bowl and which touted the service’s delivery of non-food items. But what people may not know is that Uber Eats also boasts a robust small business offering.

Back in January, the company launched its “Grants for Growth” program in partnership with Visa and the Local Initiatives Support Corporation. Focused on restaurant recovery and entrepreneurship, the program offered $10,000 grants to up to 100 small businesses affected by COVID, natural disasters or other unexpected grants. The program was widely successful, with a total of $1million granted to 100 small businesses: 92% were entrepreneurs of color, 69% were female-owned businesses, and 88% of the businesses were in low or moderate-income areas.

To draw further attention to this initiative, Uber Eats and Visa’s small business BtoB services released a series of celebratory films, in the spirit of the season, highlighting five of the “Grants for Growth” recipients. The work was created by Dallas-based TMA (The Marketing Arm) and was born out of witnessing and listening first-hand to the business owners’ authentic stories – from their early vision to their tireless work building a business and their resilience amidst the pandemic. The five grant recipients featured include:

Sofia Deleon, Owner, El Merkury in Philadelphia
Umber Ahmad, Owner, Mah-Ze-Dahr Bakery in NYC
Jamila Ross and Akino West, Owners, Rosie’s Miami
Cheyenne Brown, Owner, Fun-Diggity Funnel Cakes in Los Angeles
Spencer Ng, Owner, Triple Crown in the heart of Chicago’s Chinatown

The films are currently running on Uber Eats social media channels. You can also view films spotlighting each of the individual grant winners by visiting the Uber Eats “Grants for Growth” landing page

This professional campaign titled 'Grants for Growth' was published in United States in November, 2022. It was created for the brands: Uber Eats and Visa, by ad agency: The Marketing Arm. This Digital and Film media campaign is related to the Finance and Food industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted almost 2 years ago by President: Roy Elvove of Elvove Associates LLC.


Client: Uber Eats, Visa
Creative Agency: TMA (The Marketing Arm)

Account Management:
Andrew Robinson, CEO
Trina Roffino, President
Tom Meyer, President Entertainment
Andy Salazar, Sr. Director
Nikki McVey, Director
Sarah Molloy, Account Executive
Christian De Santiago, Project Manager

Harris Wilkinson, Chief Creative Officer
Craig Miller, SVP Creative
Randie Speir, Sr. Art Director
Meg Indurti, Associate Creative Director
Katie Heitz, Jr. Copy Writer

Kathleen Colditz, EVP Strategy
Stephen Bellinger, Strategist

Video Production:
Diana Schroeder, VP Video Production
Leigh Mergehenn, Sr Producer
Debbie McIlhany, Specialist
Jeanne Canright, Coordinator

Print Production :
Natalie Miranda, VP Print Production
Rachel Matthews, Associate Director

Film/Video Production:
Production Company: RW2 Productions
Director, The Wade Brothers
Cinematographer, Trevor Hawkins
Executive Producer, Nathan Kincaid
Producer, Michael Lopez
Production Coordinator, Connor Sandheinrich
Editor, Trevor Hawkins
Audio Mix, The Post Haus
Color Timing, Trevor Hawkins

Photography Retouching: StudioTribe

Media Agency: MediaCom


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