
Good Tings

Agency: TBWA\New Zealand


Do kids know what it means when their phone goes ting?

TBWA\New Zealand and Mobile provider, 2degrees, teamed up with internet security experts Netsafe to launch an important new programme designed to teach kids first phone safety.

UK Grime legend, Scrufizzer, launched the programme to young people with a full-length music video that translates the risks and rewards associated with owning a mobile phone into ‘good tings’ and ‘bad tings’.

From catfishing to trolling, online dating and sharing personal information, the long-form music video was cut-down into specific lessons and ran across TV, cinema and social media.

Each shorter spot, drives kids and parents to a free physical unboxing experience that’s available in-store with every first phone purchased

This professional campaign titled 'Good Tings' was published in New Zealand in October, 2023. It was created for the brand: 2degrees, by ad agency: TBWA\New Zealand. This Film medium campaign is related to the Agency Self-Promo industry and contains 5 media assets. It was submitted 9 months ago.


Agency: TBWA/New Zealand & FROM NOWHERE with TBWA\ Chief Creative Officer:
Shane Bradnick, Creative Partner: Ashley Wilding Creative Partner: Dan Davison
Art Director: Rhiana Merota
Copywriter: Simon Watts
Chief Executive Officer: Catherine Harris Group Account Director: Simon Mills Account Director: Cohen Chaplin Planning Director: Luke Kelly
Executive Creative Director: Guy Roberts, Creative Director: Mick Stalker
PR: TBWA/Eleven
Production: AO Studios
Music: Good Tings by Scrufizzer (Prod. by Star.One) Written by: Romani Lorenzo, Adam Wilson, Joe Wilson Publisher: Wake the Town
Music Supervisor: Dave Bass @ Wake The Town Director, Editor, Producer: Carl.TV
VFX: Blockhead VFX
Audio: Franklin Road Audio
Post production: TBWA\BOLT
Packaging: Think Packaging
Graphic Design: Brett Courtney, Dan Davison, Rhiana Merota
Client: 2degrees
GM Marketing - Dave Pearce, Marketing Manager - Haley Featonby, Brand Specialist -
Sylvia Pitto
Media Agency: OMD

Alas Chiquitanas


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