
PETA India is an animal protection organization operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. PETA informs policymakers and the public about animal abuse and promotes kind treatment of animals.
Animals are indivisible part of environment. Living with them human being loves them too but this love does not reflect in behavior . Sometimes when people use the animal parts for eating, wearing, entertainment and experiment.
So called nature lovers use animal statues, photo frames, symbols in decorative manner. But this love remains mere show off if we do not take any step to make actual life of animals safe and secure .
Now a days each person wants to make his activity unique and demonstrative. May it be dream home or daily accessories. People spend too much money for this purpose. It’s worth too. Statues, paintings, symbols, tattoos of animals really look so beautiful that we feel delightful .
While spending so much money for personal delight it’s been very essential to make real animals life safe and secure. To save them from human interference in their lives, we have to come forward and donate generously for their protection.

This student campaign titled 'Donate For Them' was published in India in February, 2023. It was created for the brand: Animalife, by ad school: B.S.Bandekar College of Fine Art. This Print medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted almost 2 years ago by Prof.: siddhesh of B.S.Bandekar College Of Fine art, Applied Art, Sawantwadi.


College Name: B.S. Bandekar College Of Fine Art, applied Art, Sawantwadi
Art Director: Tanvi Chavan
Photography : Tanvi Chavan
Guide: Prof. Siddhesh Nerurkar, Prof. Tukaram Morajkar


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