Mile End is a British independent movie, psychological thriller written & directed by Graham Higgins, starring Alex Humes, Mark Arnold and Heidi Agerholm Balle - an unemployed executive falls under the influence of an enigmatic stranger, unaware that he is being drawn into a sinister game of envy and revenge. We used Rorschach inkblots for the visual concept, which challenge the viewer to interpret and imagine various hidden messages within the design.
This professional campaign titled 'Deceive yourself' was published in Slovenia in June, 2015. It was created for the brand: Mile End, by ad agency: Studio 360. This OOH Outdoor medium campaign is related to the Media industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 9 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Studio 360, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Creative Director / Art Director / Illustrator: Vladan Srdic