In the Netherlands, approximately 7,000 accidents involving household chemicals occur each year. In most cases, the victims are children under the age of 5. By showing a kitchen cabinet through the eyes of a child, we allowed parents to see the potential danger of their everyday household products. The lenticular technique enabled the viewer to switch between a real world view and that of a child.
The Consumer Safety Institute strives to continually increase the safety of all citizens, young and old, by reducing accident-related injuries. The strength of the organisation lies in its ability to educate people in both accident-related information and accident prevention. In doing so, they consider more than just figures; behaviour, the surrounding environment and technology are also taken into account. This combined knowledge is used to create extremely effective campaigns.
This professional campaign titled 'Children See Things Differently' was published in The Netherlands in December, 2011. It was created for the brand: VWA, by ad agency: Lemz. This OOH Outdoor medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 13 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Lemz, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Copywriter: Chester de Vries
Art Director: Bram Tervoort
Illustrator: INDG