Far off coast, containing cold and stormy weather, big waves, an angry whale and two norwegian fishermen. In other words; all you need to communicate that the bank now can be reached at all hours, by anyone.
It's not always convenient. That's why you can call us at any hour.
This professional campaign titled 'Call the bank' was published in Norway in April, 2013. It was created for the brand: DnB, by ad agency: TRY. This Film medium campaign is related to the Finance industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 11 years ago.
Advertising Agency: TRY/APT, Oslo, Norway
Art Director: Lars-Kristian Harveg
Copywriter: Jonas Grønnern
Project Manager: Diana Jandl
Account Manager: Arne Eggen
Production Company: Einar Film
Director: Morten Tyldum
3D / VFX: Gimpville