For Dutch telco Ben, Kumpany developed an integrated campaign which revolves around ‘Sinterklaas’ (the Dutch St. Nick) but with a twist. The campaign starts off with a TV-commercial and continues on Facebook, where you can follow his journey as he searches for Holland. What will happen when he finds Holland is a closely guarded secret...
This professional campaign titled 'Ben is Coming' was published in The Netherlands in November, 2011. It was created for the brand: Ben, by ad agency: Kumpany. This Film medium campaign is related to the Electronics, Technology industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted almost 13 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Kumpany, Netherlands
Director: Hein Mevissen
Production: Diederiekje Bok
Editor: Arianne Tomasettig / Final Cut
Sound Design: Roland Thai
Music: Sven Budding / The Media Brothers