Namaa Agricultural

We Plant lives

Agency: Raketbe Agency

نحن نزرع حياة / We plant lives

أرضك جاهزة لموجة الصقيع ؟ / Is your land ready for a frost wave?

إزرع بنفسك / Plant your own

لحظة فارقة التغير المناخي / A defining moment in climate change

زرعت ارضك مانجو / Your land planted mangoes

احجز شتلتك مع نماء / Reserve your seedlings with Namaa

الزراعة هي طوق النجاة / Agriculture is the lifeline

دراسة الجدوى / Feasibility study

هدف نماء الأساسي / Namaa's primary goal

ازاي ناخد عينه من التربه / How do we take a sample from the soil


About Campaign:

A publicity campaign to educate customers about the best mango cultivation methods and introduce customers to the company's services, which are specialized in guidance and technical support for mango cultivation and quality studies for the mango cultivation project

About Namaa Agricultural:

Specialized in the best mango cultivation methods through New technology, providing guidance advice, technical support, and feasibility studies for mango cultivation projects.

This professional campaign titled 'We Plant lives' was published in Egypt in October, 2022. It was created for the brand: Namaa Agricultural, by ad agency: Raketbe Agency. This Content, Design, and Digital media campaign is related to the Industrial, Agriculture industry and contains 10 media assets. It was submitted about 1 year ago by Raketbe Agency of Raketbe Agency.


Advertising Agency: Raketbe Agency, Cairo, Egypt
CEO: Reem Elbakari
Marketing Manager: Ahmed Kamel
Marketer: Sayed Mohamed
Graphic Designer: Mariam Nasser
Copywriter: Rehab El Waseef
Account Manager: Sara Mahmoud

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