This student campaign explores the world of advertising and product design. (Youssef Magdy Anees), created a series of ads for ( spiro spathis, lipton Tea ), each with its own unique concept and style. The ads are creative, eye-catching, and effective in communicating the benefits of the products.
The student was supervised by Dr. Eman Salah-Eldin, Doctor of advertising and design at the Higher Institute of Applied Arts.
The Design ads for Products campaign is a great example of how students can use their creativity and skills to create effective and engaging advertising.
This student campaign titled 'Visual advertisement for an Egyptian product' was published in Egypt in November, 2023. It was created for the brand: Lipton, by ad school: The Higher Institute Of Applied Arts. This Design and Digital media campaign is related to the Soft Drinks industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 11 months ago by Youssef Magdy Anees.