
Unfilter Mexico

Agency: GUT Mexico City


During the 2023 Academy Awards, the most important celebration in the film industry, Corona, the world's most valuable Mexican beer brand, calls on the industry to avoid using the yellow filter that has been used for years to portray Mexico negatively, and instead, to avoid generating stereotypes created by its use, leaving the color yellow only for its beer.

In movies from some countries, it is common to see Mexico portrayed through the use of a yellow filter. This seems not to be a coincidence since in cinematographic language that yellow filter has been used for years to denote heat, risk, and danger. On the Internet, it is also possible to find hundreds of press notes and memes related to the topic since it is a misconception of what Mexico really is.

This professional campaign titled 'Unfilter Mexico' was published in Mexico in March, 2023. It was created for the brand: Corona, by ad agency: GUT Mexico City. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Movies industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 1 year ago.


Product: Corona
Campaign: Unfilter Mexico
Territory: México

Client: ABI - Grupo Modelo
Marketing VP: Fabio Baracho
Corona Director: Yune Aranguren
Corona Comms & Strategy Director: Mariana Cuellar
Corona Team: Lucas Rey, Alfonso Borel, Adolfo López
Connections Director: Alejandro Gershberg
Media Director: Sinuhe García
Media Lead: Rogelio Cruz

Agency: GUT Mexico City
Client: ABI - Grupo Modelo
CCO & Partner: Nacho Ferioli
Managing Director & Partner: Camila de Almeida Prado
ECD: Ramiro Rodriguez Cohen
ECD: Ariel Abramovici
ECD: Bruno Acanfora
Creative Director / Art Director: Jose Mario Muñoz
Creative Director / Copywriter: Rodrigo Del Oso
Senior Art Director: Aurelie Diaz
Copywriter: Lauren Torres
Production Director: Paula Sanchez
Account Supervisor: Simón Arce
CSO: Samantha Hernández
Strategy Director: Jessica Méndez
Content manager: Ross Aguiñaga
Production House: PRIMO Content Mx
Director: Santi Dulce
Executive Producer: Odille Mondragón
Head of Production: Omar Uscanga
Managing Director: Jaime Vidal
DP: Juan Pablo Ramírez
Postproduction coordinator: Nancy Bravo and Daniela Balcazar
Editor: Daniel Balleza
Animator: Yabin Morales

Color Correction: Company 3, C.A. | Mex: Esteban Robles
Music: Edy Lan
Sound Design: Javier Umpierrez

Collaborating Agencies
Founder & CEO: Kaiser Carrillo
Media agency: Zenith Media

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