Andalusia Group • Andalusia Hospitals • Andalusia for kids wellness
Unclassified (ADHD)
Most cases of ADHD in children are difficult to detect, because parents think that the child's attention deficit is laziness or hyperactivity is naughtiness, this misconception explains why they treat the child as less than their schoolmates or out of the category.
In this awareness campaign through an animated short film, we explain how we can detect the case of this in kids and help them prove that they deserve attention and acknowledgment.
This professional campaign titled 'Unclassified (ADHD)' was published in Saudi Arabia in December, 2022. It was created for the brands: Andalusia for kids wellness, Andalusia Group, and Andalusia Hospitals, . This Film medium campaign is related to the Education and Health industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 2 years ago by Agency of Cheerful.
Idea & Scriptwriter: Nourhan Ezz
Storyboard & Concept Art: Ahmed Bahaa
Illustration: Ahmed Bahaa / Sara Mohamed
Animation: Sara EL-Gaby / Ali Ahmed Bahaa / Mai EL-Ashkar
Design & Typography: Yasmin Megahead / Fatma Abdalla
Music: Ahmed Hamdi
Sound: The Garage Sound Studio / Hosny Ali
Marketing Manger: Saber Helal
Art Director & Animation Supervision: Mahmoud Mokhtar