To promote its sponsorship of the UFC, Gillette Deodorant Brazil launched the "UFSweat: The League of Heavy Smells". The campaign, all made in 3D animation, created an alternative and fictional MMA League with renegade athletes who struggle against smelly armpits. The big prize is a Gillette Deodorant, which eliminates the bad smell and brings the winner back to the UFC.
This professional campaign titled 'UFSweat' was published in Brazil in August, 2013. It was created for the brand: Gillette, by ad agency: Africa. This Film medium campaign is related to the Health industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 11 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Africa Agency, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Sergio Gordilho, Eco Moliterno, Alexandre Prado
Art Directors: Alexandre Prado, Bruno Couto, Alvin Shiguefuzi, Fernando Drudi
Copywriters: André Pinheiro, Eco Moliterno
Illustrator: Techno Image
Photographer: Techno Image / Meindbender
Agency Producers: Rodrigo Ferrari, Patricia Gaglioni, Anderson Rocha
Account Directors: Marcio Santoro, Cecilia Duarte
Account Managers: Manuela Ramalho, Marina Damato
Planners: Ana Paula Cortat, Marcia Neri Rosenberg, Marcos Blinder
Media Managers: Luiz Fernando Vieira, Felipe Santos, Rodrigo Medeiros, Kaline Lessio, Thiago Aimi
Production Company: Techno Image / Meindbender
Direção: Pedro Conti, Tiago Hoisel, Derek Henriques
Executive Production: Guilherme Proença, Michael Bengtsson
Production Manager: Guilherme Proença
Photographers: Pedro Conti, Tiago Hoisel
Post-production: Tiago Hoisel, Pedro Conti
Editors: Pedro Conti, Tiago Hoisel, Derek Henriques
Music & Sound Production: Sustain