This professional campaign titled 'The sun never sets on yoga' was published in India in June, 2015. It was created for the brand: The Art of Living, by ad agency: Sri Sri Publications Trust. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 8 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Sri Sri Publications Trust, Bangalore, India
Creative Director: Montoo Bassi
Art Directors: Umesh BM, Sampatkumar Raghunath, Sujit, Chakradhar
Copywriter: Montoo Bassi
Photographer: Art of Living Volunteers Team
Additional credits: Awanish Kumar, Ganesh Kulkarni, Jitesh Patel, Mani Chandan, Neetika, Kamlesh Barwal, Manjari, Ritesh Seth, Chaitanya, Mayur