This professional campaign titled 'The misunderstood scoreboard' was published in India in September, 2015. It was created for the brand: Zee News, by ad agency: DDB. This OOH Outdoor medium campaign is related to the Media industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted almost 9 years ago.
Advertising Agency: DDB Mudra, Mumbai, India
Chief Creative Officer: Sonal Dabral
Executive Director: Aneil Deepak
Creative Director: Sandeep Mishra
Deputy General Manager: Sumeer Handoo
Art Director: Ameya Soman
Director Brand Communications: Sonia Arora
Deputy General Manager: Ashish Grover
Group Creative Director: Ferzad Variyava
Associate Vice President: Shilov Mani
Senior Account Executive: Ovee Shah
Cinematographer: Smith Mehta