
The entrance quiz

Agency: Dentsu


The euglena company was trying to solve world's food & energy shortage problems by developing various euglena products. However, in Japan, nobody knew about the big potential of euglena and, to make things worse, many Japanese misunderstood euglena as a"worm," like this, as its Japanese name is "green worm." As a result, Euglena was considered to be a weird company that makes Food and fuels out of worms. To correct this wrong perception, we've placed a special device called "the entrance quiz", at the front desk of the company.
Sound Design: Atsushi Shimomura / Sosa Co.

This professional campaign titled 'The entrance quiz' was published in Japan in August, 2012. It was created for the brand: Euglena, by ad agency: Dentsu. This Ambient medium campaign is related to the Food industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 12 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Dentsu, Tokyo, Japan
Creative Directors: Yoji Sakamoto, Yoshikatsu Miyasaka, Norihito Sako, Satoshi Takasugi, Hirofumi Hayashi, Kazuki Tsuburaku
Producer / Technical Director: Yugo Tonegi
Designer: Daisuke obana
Director: Keiiu Okuhira / Flag


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