Love Matters Arabic

The Elephant in the Room: Talk to Your Kids About SEX

Agency: Allthingsdibo

We all know most things about reproduction and how it works. But how did most people have access to all the knowledge that they currently have? The how is so important because it shapes the way these children grow up to see the world.

If your kids have some difficult questions, it’s better that they know the right answers from you than from anyone else. Whatever your family values are, it’s your children’s right and yours that you control the narrative and give them the safest space to open up, to be curious, and to ask any questions they have. Or someone else will provide that space. On that note, periods are not shameful and it is very important to debunk all myths that these little girls get exposed to on a daily basis from outside the home.

Children get into all sorts of bullying and comparisons around puberty as they grow up. It is the family’s responsibility to make them feel safe and comfortable in their own skin. This phase is likely to be very confusing for all people, so the big, hanging questions about “changes” need to be answered by a parent based on your own family values.


Sex is such a taboo topic to talk about, and more so around children. But what happens when you don't talk to your children and don't answer their questions clearly? They get their answers from other sources.
In this campaign, we are encouraging parents to talk to their children and to answer all their big questions clearly and openly. Simply because if they don't.. someone else will.
We have created three copies - each asking a difficult question around sex and puberty. And we left the answers open-ended on purpose so that each family can answer the questions in the way that works best for its own family values and belief system. At this point, and since the campaign is the first of its kind ever, especially in a Middle Eastern culture, it is not important what a parent says to their child as long as they talk to them and as long as they are their source of information and their safe haven.

This professional campaign titled 'The Elephant in the Room: Talk to Your Kids About SEX' was published in Egypt in July, 2022. It was created for the brand: Love Matters Arabic, by ad agency: Allthingsdibo. This Content, Digital, and Film media campaign is related to the Education industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted over 2 years ago by Director: Dibo of Allthingsdibo.


Directed by: Dibo
Concept and Creative Direction: Allthingsdibo
Copywriting: Marawan Hafez
DOP: Youssef Tayeh
Producer: Hatem Tag
Art Director: Shaimaa Farouk - Sheiwi
Stylist: Ghadir Khaled
AD: Reema Haddad - Kamal Alaily


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