Stay Alert Song

Agency: Dentsu


The state of emergency has been lifted! But what do I have to be careful about? A song about what to do when you see everyone for the first time in a long time. Animation movie " Stay Alert Song” When the self-restraint is over and you can finally see your loved ones. But don't let your guard down just because you're happy, and don't let it lead to the second or third wave. We, SMV JAPAN, which sells "mobile alcohol disinfection spray", That's why I put what I wanted to be careful about in the song. By taking care of your safety when you're out and about The happiness of being able to meet your loved ones. May this continue for a long time to come.

This professional campaign titled 'Stay Alert Song' was published in Japan in May, 2020. It was created for the brand: SMV JAPAN, by ad agency: Dentsu. This Film medium campaign is related to the Health and Public Interest industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 4 years ago by Creative Director: Shimano Yusuke of


Advertising Agency: Dentsu Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Production: AOI.Pro
Creative Director + Copywriter: Yusuke Shimano
Executive Producer: Masaomi Watanabe
Film Director + Art Director: Ryosuke Sone
Copywriter: Chiemi Manako
Planner: Yoko Asano
Illustrator: Chari
Music: Erik Reiff
Ae: Yuu Iida
Pr: Takayuki Tomita
Logo Design: Katsuhiro Uto

The Salvation Army


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