Tok&Stok, one of the biggest Brazilian retail furniture, releases to their customers a fun game. With an allusion to their furniture that are extremely easy to assemble, the company releases the game 'Puzzle' to show in practice how an apparently hard work can become a fun game. It´s Entitled "Puzzle. A line recommended for those who does´t want to break this minds.”,the action is signed by DDB Brasil. The different games vary between 4, 6 and 12 pieces. The "players" must combine them in order to create the desired environment. The number of parts inside the box is equivalent to the number of the mobile pieces.They all come with the Puzzle catalogs.
This professional campaign titled 'Puzzle' was published in Brazil in June, 2011. It was created for the brand: Tok&Stok, by ad agency: DDB. This Direct medium campaign is related to the House, Garden industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 13 years ago.
Advertising Agency: DDB, Brazil
Creative Directors: Sergio Valente, Marco Versolato, Andre Pedroso, João Mosterio, Daniel Bottas
Creatives: Alexandre Magre, Ana Bittencourt
Account Supervisor: Polika Teixeira, Marcia Aguiar, Suzana Poli, Marcelo Trivelato
Planners: Cynthia Horowicz, Carolina Roxo, Marcus Vinicius de Freitas, David Gross
Media: Alessandra Gambuzzi, Soraya Sobral, Patricia Oliveira, Yatan Cenciales
Advertiser's Supervisors: Regis Dubrule, Ghislaine Dubrule, Flávia Lucena