Penaid Limited

Penaid's Anti-Allergen for Nigerian Monsters

Agency: Digital Native Marketing & Media

"Join the Spook-tacular Side of Finance with Penaid this Halloween season! 🎃💰 #PenaidMonsters #FinancialFrights #NigerianGenZ"

"Join the Spook-tacular Side of Finance with Penaid this Halloween season! 🎃💰 #PenaidMonsters #FinancialFrights #NigerianGenZ"

"Join the Spook-tacular Side of Finance with Penaid this Halloween season! 🎃💰 #PenaidMonsters #FinancialFrights #NigerianGenZ"


The objective of this Halloween-themed marketing campaign is to leverage the popular and playful holiday spirit around Halloween to promote Penaid's unique financial services for students and pensioners in Nigeria. By creatively integrating the concept of Nigerian 'monsters' and humor into the campaign, we aim to capture the attention of our target audience and highlight the benefits of Penaid's financial products.

Key Messages:

Playful Connection: Halloween is a widely recognized and fun holiday, even in Nigeria, despite it not being traditionally celebrated. By playfully connecting Penaid's financial services with well-known Halloween monsters (vampire, ghost, witch), we create an engaging and memorable association for our audience.

Mr. Ugo C. Shege Parody: The headline, "Mr. Ugo C. Shege," cleverly parodies the concept of encountering problems (the Nigerian slang meaning of 'shege') by associating it with a well-known Halloween monster, the Big Bad Wolf. This humorous twist immediately piques curiosity and interest.

Unique Value Proposition: The copy, "Penaid, your anti-allergen for Nigerian monsters," underscores Penaid's role as a solution to the financial challenges and concerns faced by students and pensioners in Nigeria. The term 'anti-allergen' implies that Penaid offers a safeguard against these financial 'monsters,' providing a sense of security and reassurance.


Timely Relevance: Leveraging Halloween allows Penaid to be relevant and connect with the local culture, even if the holiday is not traditionally celebrated. This campaign seizes a moment of widespread cultural interest and transforms it into a memorable brand interaction.

Emotional Engagement: By using humor and familiar Halloween imagery, the campaign creates a strong emotional connection with the target audience. It makes Penaid approachable and relatable, fostering a sense of trust and affinity.

Product Promotion: While the campaign is light-hearted, the core message of Penaid providing financial support to students and pensioners is not lost. It highlights Penaid's commitment to alleviating financial concerns, making it an appealing option for those in need of loans for tuition or retirement.

Virality Potential: Given the humor and uniqueness of the campaign, there is a significant potential for it to go viral on social media. Encouraging user-generated content, such as Halloween-themed photos and stories related to Penaid, can further amplify the campaign's reach.

In conclusion, this Halloween campaign effectively marries humor, local culture, and Penaid's financial solutions to create a memorable and engaging marketing initiative. It capitalizes on the widespread appeal of Halloween, even in non-celebratory cultures, to connect with the audience and promote Penaid's valuable services for students and pensioners.

This professional campaign titled 'Penaid's Anti-Allergen for Nigerian Monsters' was published in Nigeria in October, 2023. It was created for the brand: Penaid Limited, by ad agency: Digital Native Marketing & Media. This Content, Design, and Digital media campaign is related to the Finance industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 10 months ago by Co-Founder/Creative Director : Beloved Moses of Digital Native Marketing & Media.


Advertising Agency : Digital Native Marketing & Media, Lagos
Creative Director: Beloved Moses
Art Director: Timothy Piyels
Art Director 2: Ajibola Victory
Copywriter: Sola Doja

Approving Clients
COO: Eyitayo Kanadet


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