Sexpo South Africa

Make sex great again!

Agency: Retroviral


Sex: whether it's taboo, whispered about behind closed doors, joked about or discussed in the doctor's office, it's an integral part of being human. Sexpo, South Africa's premier health, sexuality and lifestyle expo, is campaigning to make sex great again by ensuring that sex and sexuality are topics that are on everybody's lips!

This professional campaign titled 'Make sex great again!' was published in South Africa in March, 2017. It was created for the brand: Sexpo South Africa, by ad agency: Retroviral. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Recreation, Leisure industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 7 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Retroviral, Johannesburg, South Africa
Creative Director and copywriter: Mike Sharman
Strategist: Binwe Adebayo
Production: 10th Street Media
Executive Producer: Darren Kerr
Editor: Bradley Reynolds


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